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    关于中级焊工实战班的温馨提示:2012随州英语焊工培训学校,焊工培训班及焊工考证培训,焊工培训学校网, 湖南阳光电子学校是专业中级焊工实战班学校,常年开设中级焊工实战班实战班,面向全国招生(不限年龄)。由湖南阳光电子学校中级焊工实战班实战一线首席技术专家授课,天天实操,全程实战,手把手教,包教包会。我们是正规中级焊工实战班学校,我们有自己的校园,我们是行业正规军!
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            作者:佚名 湖南阳光电子学校全国招生! 0731-85579057:站原创 更新焊工培训班开课时间:2012-8-29

              Much less than one percent of the earth's water can be used by humans. Areas that need a lot of water often have to bring it in from far away. For ple, southern and central California get most of their water from northern California. The Middle East and Mexico are among the places where large areas are short of water. Much of the shortage (短缺) in such places is caused by poor use of water, such as pollution and waste.
              Most places have enough water for drinking, farming and industries. However, as cities grow larger and industries expand, more and more water is needed. This may mean that more sources (来源) of water need to be found. But by saving water, existing (现有的) water can be used longer. This allows towns, cities and industries to grow without the need to find more water sources.
              What are some ways that ordinary people can save water?
              A survey shows that washing clothes, taking showers and using toilets make up about 80 percent of a family's water usage. So using showerheads, toilets, and taps that use less water can help save a lot of water in the home.
              (    ) 53. One of the possible reasons why Middle East and Mexico are short of water is               that ________.
              A. many industries in these places use a lot of water
              B. they pollute and waste existing water
              C. they have few lakes and rivers
              D. they don’t have enough money to buy water
              (    ) 54. What's the meaning of the underlined word "expand"?
              A. 发展       B. 使用       C. 浪费       D. 匮乏
              (    ) 55. According to the survey, which probably use the least water in families?
              A. Taking showers.             B. Using toilets.
              C. Washing dishes.             D. Washing clothes.
              (    ) 56. Which of the following can we learn from the passage?
              A. By saving water, we may not need to find more water sources.
              B. People in southern and central California are rich.
              C. Northern California will not have enough water in the future.
              D. Washing clothes and washing dishes make up 40 % of a family's water usage.
              I used to live in Kobe in Japan. Every evening on the bus back home, I would look for an old man who played the saxophone (萨克斯) near the river. I couldn't hear his music, because the windows of the bus were closed, but I imagined it to be loud and clear. I wanted to be like that man.
              One day I went to Himeji, a city near Kobe. As I walked in the city I saw a statue (雕像) of a young man about my age. He was lifting a saxophone to his lips (嘴唇) and was about to play. I stayed there by the statue, dreaming of playing the saxophone on TV.
              Two weeks later it was my birthday. To my surprise and joy, my parents bought me a saxophone! I put it to my lips to play, but it didn't make a sound. Then dad told me to read the instructions to find out what to do. After about 15 minutes I could make some sounds. I couldn't do anything else, but was still excited by the beautiful sounds. They were loud and clear, just as I imagined the music of the man by the river in Kobe.
              Then came the lessons. Night after night, week after week, my teacher made me practice. At last came the magic day when I started to play music. Now I’m in the TV studio (演播室) with my saxophone. I’m waiting to be called to play the saxophone on TV. I’m thinking of the old man by the river in Kobe, and the statue smiling at me in Himeji.
              (    ) 57. Why couldn't the writer hear the music played by the old man?
              A. There was something wrong with the writer's ears.
              B. The writer was too far away from the old man.
              C. The windows of the bus were closed.
              D. There was a lot of noise on the bus.
              (    ) 58. The statue in Himeji made the writer think of ________.
              A. the old man near the river in Kobe
              B. learning to play the saxophone and playing on TV
              C. having a small statue just like the boy
              D. buying a saxophone
              (    ) 59. On his birthday, the writer ________.
              A. was happy because he’d gotten a saxophone as a present
              B. was sad because he didn't know how to play the saxophone
              C. practiced a lot and could play the saxophone well
              D. had the old man teach him to play saxophone
              (    ) 60. From the passage we can infer (推论) that ________.
              A. the old man came to see the writer play the saxophone on TV
              B. the writer's dad taught him to play the saxophone
              C. the writer became famous and rich then.
              D. the writer plays the saxophone well now
              第节  任务型焊工培训学费多少,(共8个小题;每小sp.hnygpx.net/?题2焊工培训学校,,共16焊工培训学校,)
              Children know that summer is probably the most fun of all seasons. However, experts say it is also the most dangerous, especially, for children aged 14 and under. In its first study of children's safety in the US, the National Safe Kids Campaign (NSKC) found that nearly half of the injury-related (与受伤相关的) deaths among children happen in summer.
              Experts are not surprised by the study’s results. They always know summer is a dangerous season for children. During the summer, children are out of school and spend more time outdoors. They are more likely to get into an accident or be injured. "While we encourage children to be active and spend time outdoors, they need to understand the importance of safety," said Everett Koop, an expert of the NSKC.
              To help children stay safe, the NSKC started a "Make it a Safe Kids Summer" Campaign (运动) during National Safe Kids Week, from May 5 through May 12. Here are some important summer safety tips from the NSKC:
              ● Always wear your seat belt.
              ● Make sure there is an adult around when you decide to go swimming.
              ● Wear a life jacket (救生衣) when on a boat or doing water sports.
              ● Obey all traffic laws.
              61. Why is summer the most dangerous season of the year in the US?
              62. How long did the "Make it a Safe Kids Summer" campaign last?
              63. How many summer safety tips does the NSKC provide?
              64. What's the purpose in writing this passage?

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